St Andrew's URC Peterborough

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St Andrew's URC Peterborough entrance
Welcome to St Andrew's URC Peterborough.

We hope you find the help and information you are looking for, but our website can only provide a flavour of life at St Andrew's, so we invite you to contact us or come along, see for yourself and join us for worship.  

A warm welcome awaits you!

Jesus answered, 'It is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

 Matthew 4.4 (NIV UK) 

  St Andrew’s URC Mission Statement

To worship God in thanksgiving and celebration living out the good news of Jesus Christ and serving one another and our community

URC Daily Devotions

If you would like to read a daily devotion from the United Reformed Church please click on this link: URC Daily Devotion

For the latest news & updates, please see our Facebook page:

March 2025 services and events at St Andrew's

Please join us for morning worship and the other events listed below. Services start at 11am unless otherwise stated.

2 March

Morning Worship with Communion: Beyond the Veil - Transfiguration

Led by Rev Clare Davison

Fri 7 Mar

7pm World Day of Prayer Service

A service written by women in the Cook Islands. Followed by refreshments.

9 March

Morning Worship - Temptation (1st Sunday in Lent)

Led by Rev Clare Davison

16 March

Morning Worship - Third Sunday

Everyone is welcome to join us for an hour of informal worship, the theme of the service is 'God's promises'.   Tea and coffee is served in the church hall after the service.

Led by Allyson and Leah 

23 March

Morning Worship

Led by Rev Fiona Ogg

30 March

Morning Worship - Mothering Sunday

Led by Yvonne Laws

St Andrew's URC Peterborough communion table